Web3 Advertising

6 Key Elements of High Converting Marketing Funnels for Web3 Companies

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Implementing an optimized marketing and sales funnel is crucial for blockchain brands like dApps, GameFi, and crypto protocols. With it, you can systematically convert awareness into acquisition and retention.

There are several marketing funnel optimization strategies and tactics you can use when promoting your decentralized app, games, tokens, or NFTs with Blockchain-Ads to maximize conversions:

Offer Value at Every Stage

The number one element of effective crypto marketing funnels is providing value to users at each step of their journey. Instead of hard selling, you need to build trust and authority by delivering value upfront.

In the awareness phase, this means offering educational guides and articles around blockchain-related topics and your product category. 

Teach first, sell later.

At the consideration stage, create useful step-by-step walkthroughs and video tutorials so users can properly evaluate your dApp or crypto platform. Also, offer lead magnets like early access or discounts in exchange for their email address.

At the transaction stage, provide guarantees and limited-time deals to give customers confidence to complete transactions.

Post-purchase, overdeliver on service, support, and community building so customers are eager to repurchase and refer others.

Key takeaways:

  • Content strategy: Provide educational content upfront instead of hard selling
  • Lead generation: Offer discounts and early access in exchange for emails
  • Customer retention: Delight with excellent service and community post-purchase

Laser Target Each Funnel Stage

Ensure your messaging, content, and product positioning are laser-targeted to the user mindset at each marketing funnel stage.

During awareness, focus on introducing features and benefits. The consideration phase should educate and inform. Also, address concerns and build trust. At the transaction stage, provide scarcity and social proof. After the purchase, deliver amazing service.

For example, if a user is at the consideration stage with a dApp, target them with a detailed explainer video versus a promotional ad. 

Personalize messaging based on their journey.

Key takeaways:

  • Messaging: Personalize messaging to user mindset at each stage
  • Awareness stage: Introduce features and benefits
  • Consideration stage: Reassure by addressing concerns

Minimize Friction

To enable seamless conversions between your Web3 project and a potential user, you need to ruthlessly eliminate any friction points that may stop them from going through the funnel.

This includes simplifying navigation so users can self-serve, reducing the number of steps to sign up or purchase, minimizing required form fields, and making CTAs clearly visible.

Also, ensure your dApp or crypto platform has an intuitive UX and UI design. Complexity is the enemy of conversion (many projects fail at this point). 

Allow users to try before they buy with demos.

Key Takeaways:

  • User experience: Streamline navigation and design intuitive UI/UX
  • Accessibility: Allow demo product access
  • Optimization: Remove any friction points hurting conversions

Build Trust and Credibility

When it comes to anything Web3, building trust is crucial. Without it, users will bounce instead of converting.

Some proven trust-building tactics include showing authority by:

  • posting on reputable sites like CoinDesk and CoinTelegraph
  • collecting ratings
  • reviews and testimonials
  • being transparent about your processes
  • linking to your team profiles
  • demonstrating traction with user growth and engagement metrics

Also, establish credibility by participating actively in X Spaces, Discord channels, Reddit forums, and Telegram groups in your niche. 

Give before you take.

Key takeaways:

  • Thought leadership: Establish authority through top-tier publications
  • Social proof: Showcase ratings, reviews, testimonials
  • Transparency: Disclose processes and link to team profiles
  • Traction: Prove growth and engagement metrics

Prominent Calls-to-Action

Calls-to-action (CTAs) helps close the gap between interest and action. 

To boost conversions, CTAs need to stand out on the page and clearly direct users to the next step.

Some best practices include using contrasting colors, buttons versus text links, action-driven language like “Sign Up Now,” placing them above the fold and in sidebar/sticky widget areas, and using exit and site-wide offers to keep CTAs visible.

Pop-ups and overlays can also draw attention to key CTAs, but avoid being too obtrusive.

Key takeaways:

  • Design: Make CTAs stand out with colors and action-driven language
  • Placement: Position CTAs prominently above the fold and in sidebars
  • Spotlighting: Use pop-ups and overlays to highlight key CTAs

Optimize Each Phase with Blockchain-Ads

As a Web3 project, you can further improve each funnel stage using the self-serve, blockchain-powered advertising and analytics of Blockchain-Ads.

During awareness building, you can set impression-based campaign goals on Blockchain-Ads to boost your reach across crypto communities. 

The platform makes it easy to retarget engaged users and analyze conversion rates to identify optimization opportunities.

Blockchain-Ads also provides trusted crypto demographic, interest, and behavioral targeting options to hyper-personalize ads and messaging for each phase. 

Imagine being able to target users based on how much ETH they have in their wallets.

Plus, with the Blockchain-Ads cost-per-acquisition approach, you can rest assured that your marketing will perform well without wasting your budget.

By leveraging Blockchain-Ads’ Web3 native ad formats and targeting, you can fine-tune campaigns and maximize ROI across the funnel.

Key takeaways:

  • Awareness: Amplify reach through impression campaigns
  • Conversion tracking: Engage retargeted users and analyze conversions
  • Targeting: Refine messaging through advanced targeting
  • Performance: Succeed with cost-per-acquisition model

Final Thoughts

Implementing a smart marketing funnel is vital for guiding your crypto project through the choppy waters of adoption and growth. Blockchain-Ads provides the tools to drive results at every stage while accelerating your customer journey from awareness to advocacy. Combine these data-driven solutions with an optimized funnel for greater success when promoting your crypto business.

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Adam Jordan
CEO - Social Kick Marketing Agency